Usawa Kati Ya Mwanaume na Mwanamke

Sehemu ya 1

Kutembea katika Maandiko

Part 1 (this page)

Part 2  Equality

Part 3 Equality

Part 4  Dealing with Problems

Preface >Dibaji

In 2017 at various times, three young women who had just graduated from a Christian secondary school in East Africa accompanied us separately to conferences. 

> Katika mwaka wa 2017 kwa nyakati tofauti, wasichana watatu ambao walikuwa wamemaliza shule ya sekondari ya Kikristo katika Afrika Mashariki walitusindikiza kiutofauti kwenye mikutano.

At some stage I said to each young woman, "Whatever you do, make sure you marry a man who will not beat you."

>Katika hatua fulani niliambia kila mmoja wa wao msichana, "Chochote unachofanya, hakikisha unaolewa na mwanaume ambaya hatakuchapa."

I was astounded when each one gave the same response. "If I do that I won't be getting married."

>Nilishangaa kila mmoja alipotoa jibu. "Nikifanyiwa hivyo siwezi olewa."

Five years later, after one of the early "Equality" conferences I was chatting with a pastor about the teaching and the fact that, in God's eyes at least, a man can never lift up a hand against a woman.

>Miaka tano baadaye, baada ya moja yakongamano la mapema la "Usawa" nilikuwa nikizungumza na mchungaji kuhusu mafundisho na ukweli kwamba, machoni pa Mungu angalau, mwanaume hawezi kamwe kuinua mkono dhidi ya mwanamke.

"But what if she does something wrong?" he asked.

>"Lakini vipi ikiwa atafanya kitu kibaya?" Aliuza.

"What if the man does something wrong?" I replied.

>"Itakuwaje ikiwa mwanaume huyo atafanya kitu kibaya?" Nilijibu

He had no answer to that, but God does.

>Hakuwa na jibu kwa hilo, lakini Mungu anajibu.

Scroll past the Table of Contents below to get to the notes, or jump to an item by selecting it from the list. As with all teaching, anywhere, you are strongly encouraged to search and read the scriptures as listed. 

Introduction  >Utangulizi 

For thousands of years men and women have been treated differently, not just because of their different roles, but because the male gender has been seen as having more intrinsic value than the female. Men and boys have also used their superior physical strength to control and get advantage over women and girls, but is this what God designed or intends to happen?

> Kwa maelfu ya miaka wanaume na wanawake wamekuwa wakitendewa tofauti, si tu kwa sababu ya majukumu yao, lakini kwa sababu jinsia ya kiume imeonekana kuwa na thamani ya ndani zaidi kuliko ya kike. Wanaume na wavulana pia wametumia nguvu zao za juu zaidi za kimwili ili kudhibiti na kupata faida juu ya wanawake na wasichana, lakini he, hivi ndivyo Mungu alivyopanga au alikusudia kutokea?

Note 1: The Hebrew word “adam” (pronounced “ah-dahm”) has become a male name in English, but in its original, Hebrew usage can refer to or mean three different things:

Kumbuka 1: Neno la Kiebrania " adam" (hutamkwa "ah-dahm") limekuwa jina la kiume katika Kiingereza, lakini matumizi yake ya awali ya Kiebrania yanaweza kurejelea au kumaanisha vitu vitatu tofauti.

1. Mankind in general (that is, males and females), Genesis 1:26,27

>Wanadamu kwa ujumla (yaani, wanaume na wanawake), Mwanzo 1:26,27

2. The first man who was the husband of Eve. Genesis 3:21

>Mwanaume wa kwanza ambaye alikuwa mume wa Hawa. Mwanzo 3:21

3. The first created human being, in the image and likeness of God, containing both male and female components, from whom woman was taken when Eve was created. Genesis 2:7,18,21,23

>Mwanadamu wa kwanza aliyeumbwa, kwa sura na mfano wa Mungu, aliye na viungo vya kiume na vya kike, ambaye mwanamke alichukuliwa kutoka kwake wakati hawa aliumbwa. Mwanzo 2:7,18,21,23

The Hebrew text, and English and Swahili translations, do not separate or readily identify these meanings, but we can learn to recognise what is meant by looking at the context. In some verses I have substituted the Hebrew form “adam” to help clarify the translation.

>Maandishi ya Kiebrania, na tafsiri za Kiingereza na Kiswahili, hazitenganishi au kutambua kwa urahisi maana hizi, lakini tunaweza kujifunza kutambua kile kinachomaanishwa kwa kutazama muktadha.Katika baadhi ya mistari nimeweka neno la Kiebrania " adam" ili kusaidia kufafanua tafsiri.

Note 2: The Creation accounts in Genesis 1 and 2 differ in certain areas. Genesis 1 is Hebrew poetry, a summary of God's Creation, designed to show the orderly and methodical manner and completeness of what God did. Genesis 2 is prose and focuses on the creation of mankind as the pinnacle of God's work, and adds greater detail to how the separate man and woman came about.

>Kumbuka 2:Masimulizi ya uumbaji katika Mwanzo 1 na 2 yanatofautiana katika maeneo fulani. Mwanzo 1 ni mashairi ya Kiebrania, muhtasari wa uumbaji wa Mungu, uliopangwa ili kuonyesha utaratibu na njia na ukamilifu wa kile Mungu alifanya. Mwanzo 2 ni nathari na naangazia uumbaji wa mwanadamu kama kilele cha kazi ya Mungu, na inaongeza maelezo zaidi jinsi mwanamume na mwanamke waliojitenga walivyotokea. 

Genesis 1 shows clearly that woman was not an afterthought because man was lonely or needed a helper - it shows that woman, as a separate entity, was always a part of God's plan.

>Mwanzo 1 inaonyesha wazi kwamba mwanamke hakuwa wazo la baadae kwa sababu mwanamume alikuwa mpweke au alihitaji - inaonyesha kwamba mwanamke, kama chombo tofauti, siku zote alikuwa sehemu ya mpango wa Mungu. 

1. Men and women were equal at creation  

>Wanaume na wanawake walikuwa sawa wakati wa uumbaji

"God said, Let Us make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness." Gen 1:26.

>"Mungu akasema, Na tumfanye mwanadamu kwa mfano wetu, kwa sura yetu." Mwa 1:26

There is no hierarchy between Father, Son and Holy Spirit - They have different functions but are united in spirit. (See point 4 for a brief description of what each member of the Godhead does.) In this sense there is also meant to be no hierarchy between men and women, where one has the right to dominate over the other.

>Hakuna uongozi kati ya Baba, Mwana na Roho Mtakatifu - wana kazi tofauti lakini hawana jina katika roho (Angalia sehemu ya 4 kwa maelezo mafupi ya kila mshiriki wa Uungu anafanya.) Katika maana hii, inakusudiwa pia kuwa uongozi kati ya wanaume na wanawake, ambapo mmoja ana haki ya kutawala juu ya mwingine. 

2. Equal in authority and position  >Sawa katika mamlaka na nafasi

“...and let them have complete authority over (everything) v26.

" wawe na mamlaka kiukamilifu juu ya (kila kitu) mstari 26.

"And God blessed them. And God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it…" Genesis 1:28-30

>"Na Mungu akawabariki. Mungu akawaambia, Zaeni, mkaongezeke, mkaijaze dunia, na kuitisha…" Mwanzo 1:28-30

Both were given the same authority and blessing, equally and without division.

>Wote walipewa mamlaka na baraka sawa, usawa bila mgawanyiko. 

Note that they were not given authority over each other.

> Kumbuka kwamba hawakupewa mamlaka juu ya kila mmoja. 

3. Not beneath him or above him, but beside him, from a place close to his heart  

>Si chini yake au juu yake ila kando naye, kutoka mahali karibu na moyo wake

“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon “adam”, and while he slept He took a very small part from his side and closed up the flesh instead of it. And the part of his side which the Lord God had taken from “adam”, He built up into a woman and brought her to “Adam.”  - Genesis 2:21

>"Bwana Mungu akamletea "adamu" usingizi mzito, naye alipokuwa amelala, alichukua sehemu ndogo sana ubavuni mwake na kuifunika nyama badala yake. Na sehemu ya ubavu wake ambayo Bwana Mungu aliichukua kutoka kwa "adam", akaiumba kuwa mwanamke na kumleta kwa " adamu."  - 2:21

It wasn't a rib because, since this was a part of Creation, that would have left man with one less rib on one side. The Hebrew can mean “a very small part.”

>Haikuwa ubavu kwa sababu, kwavile hii ilikuwa ni sehemu ya uumbaji, hiyo ingemwacha mwanadamu akiwa na ubavu mmoja mdogo upande mmoja. Kiebrania kinaweza kumaanisha " sehemu ndogo sana "

4. The original “man” of Genesis 2:7 was not a man as we know it, but a composite psychological being containing both male and female components  

> Kwa kiasili " mtu " katika Mwanzo 2:7 hakuwa mwanamume kama tunavyomjua, bali ni kiumbe cha kisaikolojia kilicho na viungo vya kiume na vya kike. 

In a similar way God the Father has male characteristics - provider, protector, while Holy Spirit has recognisable female characteristics - helper, teacher, comforter. Jesus, as well as being the saviour of the world, is the bread that came down from heaven, the door, the light of the world, the good shepherd, and so on.

>Vivyo hivyo Mungu Baba anasifa za kiume - mtoaji, mlinzi, wakati Roho Mtakatifu anasifa zinazotambulika za kike - msaidizi, mwalimu, na mfariji. Yesu pamoja na kuwa mwokozi wa ulimwengu, ni mkate na alishuka kutoka mbinguni, mlango, nuru ya ulimwengu,mchungaji mwema, na Kadhalika.

After waking up from his deep sleep that first human recognised that a substantial part of him was missing and could now be found in the person presented to him as his companion. He also saw a distinct physical connection between them. Only after woman was removed did that first person become a male person as we know it.

>Baada ya kutoka kwenye usingizi mzito yule binadamu wa kwanza alitambua kuwa sehemu yake kubwa haipo na sasa inaweza kupatikana kwa mtu aliyewasilishwa kwake kama mwenzake. Pia aliona uhusiano tofauti wa kimwili kati yao. Ni baada tu ya mwanamke kuondolewa ndipo yule mtu wakwanza kwa sababu mtu wa kiume kama tulivyomfahamu.

“Then Adam said, ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of adam (mankind).’” Gen 2:23

>"Ndipo adam akasema, 'Sasa huyu ni mfupa katika mifupa yangu na nyama ya nyama yangu. Ataitwa mwanamke, kwa maana alitwaliwa katika mwanaume,' Mwanzo 2:23

Contrast this with men today who beat their wife with a stick or fists like they would an animal. They will have no answer, no justification when Jesus asks that question, only a fearful expectation of judgement.

>Ni kinyume na wale wanaume leo ambao wanampiga mke wao kwa fimbo au ngumi kama wangempiga mnyama. Hawatakuwa na jibu, hakuna kuhesabiwa haki wakati Yesu atakapouliza swali hilo, tu matarajio ya kutisha ya hukumu.

This leads to: >Hii inasababisha:

5. Woman was not created FOR Man, as some teach, but was taken OUT OF the original, dual-person, single-body Mankind       

>Mwanamke hakuumbwa KWA AJILI YA mwanaume, kama wengine wanavyofubndisha, bali alitolewa KUTOKA NDANI YA utu asili, wa uwili-wili, Mwanadamu mwenye mwili mmoja.

Woman was removed from that first person for the benefit of both of them:

>Mwanamke aliondolewa kutoka kwa mtu wa kwanza kwa faida ya wote wawili:

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-11

>”Wawili ni afadhali kuliko mmoja, kwa maana wana thawabu njema kwa taabu yao. Maana wakianguka, mmoja atamwinua mwenzake. Lakini ole wake aliye pekee yake akianguka na hana mwingine wa kumwona! Tena, wawili wakilala pamoja huota moto; lakini mtu pekee yake awezaje kupata moto? Na ingawa mtu atamshinda yeye aliye pekee yake, wawili watamshinda; kamba yenye nyuzi tatu haikatiki upesi. " Mhubiri 4:9-11

6. The man was equally involved in “the fall” of mankind   

>Mwanamume alihusika sawasawa kwenye "kuanguka " kwa binadamu. 

Adam was right there while Eve was being tempted. He watched it all but remained silent, probably to see what would happen.

>Adam alikuwa pale pale Hawa alipokuwa akijaribiwa. Aliyatazama yote lakini akakaa kimya pengine aone nini kitatokea. 

How do we know this? Anyone who has ever had a girlfriend or boyfriend knows that, after a certain time, you become inseparable. It just is not believable that these two people, made for each other, would have so quickly gone their own ways.

>Unajuaje hili? Mtu yeyote ambaye amewahi kuwa na rafiki wa kike au kiume anajua kwamba, baada ya muda fulani, unakuwa hautengani. Haiaminiki kwamba watu hawa wawili, walioundwa kwa kila mmoja, wangeenda njia zao wenyewe haraka sana.

How also do we know Adam was there with Eve during the temptation? Unlike when God turned up later and had to call for them, Eve did not have to call for Adam.

>Je, tunajuaje kwamba Adamu alikuwepo pamoja na Hawa wakati wa Karibu? Tofauti na Mungu alipotokea baadaye na kulazimika kuwaita, Hawa hakulazimika kumwita adam. 

“...she took of its fruit and ate; and she gave some also to her husband, and he ate.” Gen 3:6c

>"...akatwaa katika matunda yake akala; akampa na mumewe, naye akala. Mwanzo 3:6c

Many versions read like this:

>Matoleo mengi yanasoma kama hii:

“...and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.”

>"...akampa na mumewe, naye akala."

7. What happened when Eve took the fruit and ate, and when she gave to her husband? 

> Ni nini kilichotokea Hawa alipochukua tunda na kula, na alipompa mume wake?

Nothing happened when Eve took the fruit and ate - nothing happened when she gave the fruit to her husband!

>Hakuna kilichotokea Hawa alipochukua tunda na kula - hakuna kilichotokea wakati alimpa mumewe tunda!

At this stage the situation was still partly savable. Adam could trust in what was in his spirit and call on God for help - He would have had a solution - or he could follow his eyes, his senses, his own desires, because it appeared that nothing bad had happened or would happen.

>Katika hatua Hii, suluhisho lilikuwa bado linaweza kuokolewa. Adamu angeweza kutumaini kile kilichokuwa ndani ya roho yake na kumwomba Mungu msaada - Angekuwa na suluhisho - au angeweza kufuata macho yake, hisia zake, tamaa zake mwenyewe, kwa sababu ilionekana kuwa hakuna kitu kibaya kilichotokea au kitakachotokea. 

8. Only after Adam ate were the eyes of them both opened. 

>Baada tu Adam kula ndipo macho yao wote wawili yalifunguliwa.

Only after Adam ate was mankind in trouble.

>Baada tu ya Adamu kula ndipo wanadamu walikuwa katika taabu.

“THEN the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked;” Gen 3:7a

"Ndipo macho yao wote wawili wakafumbuliwa, wakajua ya kuwa wako uchi; "Mwanzo 3:7a

Compare this with the previous verse, 6c: 

>Linganisha hii na aya iliyotangulia, 6c:

“...she took of its fruit and ate; and she gave some also to her husband, and he ate.”

"...akatwaa katika tunda yake akala; akampa na mumewe, naye akala.

There was an expectation that Adam would protect Eve from harm and evil - that's why her mistake, by itself, did not result in harm. Men have an added responsibility to protect their wife from harm of any sort.

>Kulikuwa na matarajio ya kwamba Adamu atamlinda Hawa kutokana na madhara na uovu - ndiyo maana kosa lake, pekee yake, halikusababisha madhara. Wanaume wana jukumu la ziada la kuwalinda wake zao dhidi ya madhara ya aina yoyote. 

Even more importantly men have a responsibility to protect any woman from any harm, especially sexual assault, rape, fornication (sex outside of marriage) and adultery.

>Muhimu zaidi wanaume wana wajibu wa kumlinda mwanamke yeyote dhidi ya madhara yoyote, hasa unyanyasaji wa kijinsia, ubakaji, uasherati (ngono nje ya ndoa) na uzinzi.

Instead, through many means men are taught that women are their property and available to be used and exploited at any opportunity. Men are taught to be predators of women, not protectors. Women become their prey instead of their protected sister, mother, daughter or friend.

> Badala yake, kwa njia nyingi wanaume hufundishwa kuwa wanawake ni mali yao na wanapatikana kutumika na kunyonywa katika fursa yoyote ile. Wanaume hufundishwa kuwa wawindaji wa wanawake, sio walinzi. Wanawake huwa mawindo yao badala ya dada, mama, binti au rafiki yao wanaolindwa. 

On Judgment Day Jesus will ask, “Why did you do this to My sister? Why did you treat My Father's daughter in this way?”

> Siku ya Hukumu Yesu atauliza, "Kwa nini ulimfanyia hivi dada Yangu? Kwanini ulimtendea binti ya Baba Yangu hivi?"

We know this from God’s interaction with Cain, and Cain's strange response to God’s question, “Where is your brother?” Gen 4:9

> Tunajua hili kutokana na mwingiliano wa Mungu na Kaini, na jibu la ajabu la Kaini kwa swali la Mungu, " Yuko wapi ndungu yako?" Mwanzo 4:9

He replied, “Am I my brother's keeper?”

>Akajibu, Je! mimi ni mlinzi wa ndugu yangu?

That's a rhetorical question which demands the response, “Yes,” and it applies to everyone, everywhere, at all times.

>Hilo ni swali la kejeli ambalo linahitaji jibu, "Ndio," na linatumika kwa kila mtu, kila mahali, wakati wote.

“Yes, I am my brother/my sister's keeper. I am meant to look out for him/her.”

" Ndio, mimi ni mlinzi wa kaka/dada yangu. Nimekusudiwa kumtazama yeye. "

9. When God came down into the Garden to help them in their distress, even though He knew Eve took the first pick, He called to Adam, and questioned him first 

>Mungu aliposhuka bustanini ili kuwasaidia katika dhiki zao, ingawa alijua kwamba Hawa ndiye aliyechagua kuvuna kwanza, alimwita Adamu na kumuuliza swali.

“But the Lord called to Adam and said to him, Where are you?” Gen 3:9

"Lakini Bwana akamwita Adamu, akamwambia, uko wapi?" Mwanzo 3:9

There is always a man, somewhere, who can take responsibility for a woman. Not ownership, but responsibility. Not control, but concern. Not restriction, but release, to be who she is meant to be in God.

>Kuna daima mtu, mahali fulani, ambaye anaweza kuchukua jukumu kwa mwanamke. Sio umiliki,lakini wajibu. Sio udhibiti, lakini kumakinika. Sio kizuizi, lakini kuachiliwa, kuwa yeye ambaye amekusudiwa kuwa katika Mungu.

Ownership gives a command = “You have to do what I say.”

>Umilikii natoa amri = " Lazima ufanye kile ninachosema. "

Responsibility = “It’s not right or safe to do that. Let me help you.”

>Wajibu = " Si sawa au salama kufanya hivyo.Acha nikusaidie."

Control takes away someone’s decision-making ability = “I don’t care what you say, you are not allowed to do that.”

>Udhibiti huondoa uwezo wa mtu wa kufanya maamuzi = "Sijali unachosema, huruhusiwi kufanya hivyo."

Concern shares the burden = “If you do that it could affect both of us.”

>Wasiwasi unashiriki mzigo = " Ukifanya hivyo inaweza kuathiri sisi sote."

Restriction places limits on what someone can do in God = “I won’t allow you to take up that ministry role.”

>Kizuizi naweka mipaka juu ya kile ambacho mtu anaweza kufanya katika Mungu = "Sitakuruhusu kuchukua jukumu hilo la huduma."

Release sets someone free to follow what God has prepared for them = “If God has called you to do that then I will help all that I can.”

>Kutolewa huweka mtu huru kufuata kile ambacho Mungu amewaandalia = "Ikiwa Mungu amekuita kufanya hivyo basi nitasaidia kila niwezalo."

Ephesians 5 has more about this.  >Waefeso 5 inazaidi kuhusu hili.

10. God's questions were designed to draw Adam (and Eve) out, to give them an open atmosphere to clear the air and bring healing. 

>Maswali ya Mungu yalikusudiwa kuwavuta Adamu (na Hawa) nje, ili kuwapa hewa safi na kuleta uponyaji.

Healing comes when we take responsibility for our mistakes.

>Uponyaji huja tunapowajibika kwa makosa yetu.

“Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you you should not eat?” v11

>"Je, umekula tunda ya mti ambao nilikuamuru usile?" Mst 11

Here was Adam’s chance to take responsibility - the outcomes would have been different. Instead, he blamed God and Eve. >Hapa ilikuwa ni nafasi ya Adamu kuchukua jukumu - matokeo yangekuwa tofauti. Badala yake, aliwalaumu Mungu na Hawa.

“The woman You gave me, she gave me the fruit and I ate.”

"Mwanamke uliyenipa ndiye aliyenipa lile tunda nikama."

Eve blew her chance as well, but instead of blaming God, she blamed the devil. In the African situation it's the same as blaming witchcraft for a problem. We know from Proverbs 26:2 that a curse or some other problem cannot come upon us unless we give it reason or place.

> Hawa pia alipuuza nafasi yake, lakini badala ya kumlaumu Mungu, alimlaumu ibilisi. Kwa hali ya kiafrika ni sawa na kulaumu uchawi ndio tatizo. Tunajua kutokana na Mithali 26:2 kwamba laana au matatizo mengine hayawezi kuja juu yetu isipokuwa tukipe sababu au mahali.

“...the causeless curse shall not alight.”

 "...laana isiyo na sababu nitatokea."

In straight English we would say, 

“Unless you have done something wrong, no curse or misfortune can come upon you.”

>Kwa Kiingereza moja kwa moja tungesema,

" Isipokuwa umefanya jambo baya, hakuna laana au bahati mbaya inayoweza kukujia. "

“The serpent tricked me, and I ate.” v13

"Nyoka alinidanganya, nikala. " mst 13

In reality neither Adam nor Eve were “tricked” - they both were keen to try what they had been warned was dangerous and deadly.

>Kwa kweli si Adamu wala Hawa "walidanganywa" - wote wawili walikuwa na nia ya kujaribu kile walichokuwa wameonywa kilikuwa hatari na cha kuua.

Kiswahili translation: Benson Ayiti

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Part 2 Equality

Part 3 Equality

Part 4  Dealing with Problems

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