Usawa Kati Ya Mwanaume na Mwanamke

Sehemu ya 2

Kutembea katika Maandiko

Part 1 Equality

Part 2 (this page)

Part 3 Equality

Part 4 Dealing with Problems

11. In the full series on Genesis 1-3 we show how God was not angry or disappointed with what Adam and Eve did. 

>Katika mfululizo kamili wa Mwanzo 1-3 tunaonyesha jinsi Mungu hakukasirika au kukatishwa tamaa na kile Adamu na Hawa walifanya. 

For the moment just consider these verses: > Kwa sasa fikiria tu aya hizi:

“God is not a man…” Numbers 23:19 

He doesn't have the same sort of negative reactions to unexpected situations like we do.

> "Mungu si mwanadamu…" Hesabu 23:19 Hana aina ile ile ya miitikio hasi kwa hali zisizotarajiwa kama sisi. 

God “knows the end from the beginning.” Isaiah 46:10. We are not helping Him bring His plans to pass - they will come to pass in spite of what we do. Instead, He is helping us fulfil our dreams and plans according to His provision.

> Mungu " Aujuaje mwisho tangu mwanzo" Isaya 46:10. Hatumsaidii kutimiza mipango yake itatimia licha ya kile tunachofanya. Badala yake, anatusaidia kutimiza ndoto na mipango yetu kulingana na utoaji wake.

The Hebrew Scriptures (our Old Testament) do not accurately portray or completely convey the nature, character and intentions of God. God's actions and thoughts are seen through the eyes of fallen man without the indwelling Holy Spirit.

>Maandiki ya Kiebrania (Agano letu la kale) hayaonyeshi kwa usahihi au kuwasilisha kabisa asili, tabia na makusudio ya Mungu. Matendo na mawazo ya Mungu yanaonekana kupitia macho ya mwanadamu aliyeanguka bila Roho Mtakatifu anayekaa ndani yake. 

Consider this: In Mark 2:27 Jesus declares that the Sabbath was made for the benefit of man. However, in reading the Old Testament it is hard to reach that conclusion. For example, shortly after the Law was given a man was found gathering sticks on the Sabbath and was taken outside the camp and stoned to death. (Numbers 15:32-36)

>Fikiria hili: Katika Marko 2:27 Yesu anatangaza kwamba Sabato ilifanywa kwa faida ya mwanadamu. Hata hivyo, katika kusoma Agano la Kale ni vigumu kufikia hitimisho hilo. Kwa mfano, muda mfupi baada ya sheria kutolewa mtu alikutwa akiokota kuni siku ya Sabato na alitolewa nje ya kambi na kupigwa mawe hadi kufa. ( Hebasu 15:32-36)

Thereafter it appears that a law meant to enhance life was used by religious leaders to restrict life. We need to read carefully, with our eyes open.

>Baadaye inaonekana kwamba sheria iliyokusudiwa kuboresha maisha ilitumiwa na viongozi wa kidini kuweka kikomo cha maisha. Tunahitaji kusoma kwa uangalifu, macho yetu yakiwa wazi. 

12. Contrary to what most people think, if we look carefully in Genesis we will see that God did not punish Adam and Eve.

> Kinyume na watu wengi wanavyofikiri, tukitazama kwa makini katika Mwanzo 3 tutaona kwamba Mungu hakuwaadhibu Adamu na Hawa.

Instead, God told them what the enemy would now be able to do to cause problems for them. The penalties they would suffer did not come from God, but from the enemy.

> Badala yake, Mungu aliwaambia kile ambacho adui angeweza kufanya sasa ili kuwasababishia matatizo.Adhabu ambazo wangepata hazikuja kwa Mungu, bali kutoka kwa adui.

Consider Death. >Fikiria kifo 

When God said to Adam “in the day you eat of it you will surely die” the Hebrew words are using two figures of speech. He did not say “on the day you eat of it I will kill you.” “In the day” means “once you eat of it.”

>Mungu alipomwambia Adamu "siku utakapokula matunda yake hakika utakufa" maneno ya Kiebrania yanatumia tamathali mbili za usemi. Hakusema "siku utakapokula kitakuuwa". "Mchana" inamaanisha " mara tu unapokula ".

Nor was He saying, “On the day you eat of it you will die spiritually.” There is no such thing as “spiritual death.” You cannot kill a spirit, spirit is eternal, which is why the enemy spirits will eventually be confined in a fiery pit, not destroyed. We can easily get the idea that God is an angry God by human standards but He “has no pleasure in the death of the wicked.” Ezekiel 18:23, 33:11

>Wala hakuwa akisema. "Siku utakapokula matunda yake, utakufa kiroho." Hakuna vitu kama vile " kifo cha Kiroho. " Huwezi kuua roho, roho ni ya milele, ndiyo maana roho ya adui ni ya milele ndiyo maana roho za adui hatimaye zitafungwa kwenye shimo la moto, sio kuharibiwa. Tunaweza kupata wazo kwa urahisi kwamba Mungu ni Mungu mwenye hasira kulingana na viwango vya wanadamu lakini YEYE  " hakurahii kufa kwake mtu maovu." Ezekieli 18:23, 33:11

Nor does the false idea of spiritual death mean separation from God because of sin, otherwise He could not have subsequently appeared to Adam and Eve, or Cain, or Abraham, or Jacob, or Paul and others. The stories of Nebuchadnezzar and the Syrian commander Naaman, and Paul's teaching in Romans 2 show that God is constantly connecting and communicating with unredeemed people. Otherwise, none of us would have made it!

>Wala uongo wa kifo cha kiroho haumaanishi kutengwa na Mungu kwa sababu ya dhambi, vinginevyo hangeweza kuwatokea Adamu na Hawa baadaye, au Kaini, au lbrahimu au Yakobo, au Paulo na wengine. Hadithi za Nebkadreza na jemadari wa Shamu Naamani, na mafundisho ya Paulo katika Warumi 2 yanaonyesha kwamba Mungu daima anaunganisha na kuwasiliana na watu ambao hawajakombolewa. Vinginevyo, hakuna hata mmoja wetu angekuwa nayo!

Unfortunately, Adam and Eve had no idea what death was because, as yet, there was no death in The Garden. Instead, like us, they were meant to trust God and follow His instructions or wisdom, rather than try to find a way around what He had said.

>Kwa bahati mbaya, Adamu na Hawa hawakujua kifo kilikuwa nini kwa sababu bado hakukuwa na kifo kwenye bustani. Badala yake, kama sisi, walikusudiwa kumwamini Mungu na kufuata maagizo au hekima Yake, badala ya kujaribu kutafuta njia kuzunguka kile ambacho alikuwa amesema. 

We must take our primary teachings from the writings connected with the New Covenant.

>Ni lazima tuchukue mafundisho yetu ya msingi kutoka katika maandishi yanayohusiana na Agano Jipya. 

We know that Death does not come from God. 

>Tunajua kwamba Mauti haitoki kwa Mungu 

Jesus said, “The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy, but I have come to bring life.” John 10:10.

>Yesu alisema, "Mwizi huja ili kuua na kuiba na kuharibu, lakini mimi nilikuja kuleta uzima," You 10:10.

Whatever teaching Jesus brought came from God; in contrasting life with death He showed that God was into life, while the enemy were into death. The enemy themselves don't get to kill people directly - instead they arrange and manipulate circumstances that produce sickness, accident, loss, destruction and death.

>Fundisho lolote aliloleta Yesu lilitoka kwa Mungu; katika kutofautisha uhai na kifo alionyesha kwamba Mungu alikuwa katika uzima, na adui alikuwa ndani ya kifo. Adui mwenyewe hawapati kuua watu moja kwa moja - badala yake anapanga na kuendesha mazingira ambayo husababisha magonjwa, ajali, hasara, uharibifu na kifo. 

John expressed the same idea like this: “God is light, and there is no darkness in Him at all.” “Light” is a synonym for “everything good;” “darkness" is a synonym for “everything bad.” In other words God has nothing to do with accidents, sickness, loss, destruction, general pain or death. (Pain which is used to warn us of danger, like touching something sharp or hot, comes from God.) 1 John 1:5.

>Yohana alionyesha wazo lile lile kama hili " Mungu ni nuru, wala hamna giza ndani yake hata kidogo." " Nuru" ni kisawe cha kila kitu kizuri." " Giza ni kisawe cha " kila kitu kibaya." Kwa maneno mengine Mungu hana uhusiano wowote na ajali, magonjwa, hasara, uharibifu, maumivu ya jumla au kifo. (Maumivu ambayo hutumiwa kutuonya juu ya hatari, kama kugusa kitu chenye ncha kali au moto, hutoka kwa Mungu) 1 Yohana 1:5

Paul put it this way: “The last enemy to be overcome is death.” 1 Corinthians 15:26. An enemy does not come from God.

>Paulo aliiweka hivi: "Adui wa mwisho kushinda ni mauti " 1 Wakorintho 15:26.Adui hatoki kwa Mungu. 

And so that warning sentence in Genesis 2:17 reads, “Once you do what I warn you not to do, the enemy will have control over your life, which will end in death.”

>Na kwa hivyo hukumu hiyo ya onyo katika Mwanzo 2:17 inasomeka, "Ukishafanya kile ninachokuonya usifanye, adui atatawala maisha yako,ambayo mwisho wake ni kifo "

13. There was no shift in responsibility, no variation in severity between the man and the woman when God declared the result, the outcome of their failure.

>Hakukuwa na mabadiliko katika wajibu, hakuna tofauti katika ukali kati ya mwanamume na mwanamke wakati Mungu alitangaza matokeo, matokeo ya kushindwa kwao. 

There was a shift in direction, though, because He warned or showed how they would suffer in their particular areas of responsibility.

>Kulikuwa na mabadiliko katika mwelekeo, ingawa, kwa sababu Alionya au alionyesha jinsi wangeteseka katika maeneo yao mahususi ya wajibu. 

“And to the man He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, saying, You shall not eat of it, the ground is under a curse because of you.” Gen 3:17

"Akamwambia huyo mwanamume,kwa kuwa umeisikiliza sauti ya mkeo,ukala matunda ya mti ambao nilikuagiza, nikisema, usile, nchi iko katika laana kwa ajili yako. " Mwanzo 3:17

Look carefully at those words. >Angalia maneno haya kwa makini. 

Looking at verse 6 we can see that no words passed between Eve and Adam when she handed him the fruit. Instead, God is pointing to the fact that Adam listened to his wife talking with the enemy and did nothing about it. That made it so much easier for him to take the fruit when he was meant to reject it.

>Tukitazama mstari wa 6 tunaweza kuona kwamba hakuna maneno yaliyopita kati ya Hawa na Adamu aliompa tunda.Badala yake, Mungu anaelekeza kwenye ukweli kwamba Adamu alimsikiliza mkewe akizungumza na adui na hakufanya lolote kuhusu hilo. Hilo lilifanya iwe rahisi zaidi kwake kuchukua tunda wakati alikusudiwa kulikataa. 

God did not say, “I have cursed the ground.” He was saying that a curse had taken effect once they did things their way rather than His way. Once they stopped listening to God and followed the enemy, the Adversary became the primary authority over them and everything that had been in their control.

>Mungu hakusema,"Nimeilani nchi,"alikuwa akisema kwamba laana ilikuwa imetokea mara tu walipofanya mambo kwa njia yao badala ya njia yake. Mara walipoacha kumsikiliza Mungu na kumfuata adui, Adui akawa ndiye mwenye mamlaka kuu juu yao na kila kitu kilichokuwa chini ya udhibiti wao. 

For the first five days of creation God was in control. On the sixth day They placed mankind in control of everything, operating under Their (God’s) authority.

>Kwa siku tano za kwanza za uumbaji Mungu alikuwa anatawala. Siku ya sita walimweka mwanadamu katika udhibiti wa kila kitu, akifanya kazi chini ya mamlaka Yao (ya Mungu).

While Adam and Eve did everything within the guidelines God had set, all would be well. In reality there was only one thing they shouldn't do - doing that thing had a penalty that DID NOT come from God.

>Ingawa Adamu na Hawa walifanya kila kitu ndani ya miongozo ambayo Mungu alikuwa ameweka, yote yangekuwa sawa. Kwa kweli kulikuwa na jambo moja tu ambalo hawakupaswa kufanya  - kufanya jambo hilo kulikuwa na adhabu ambayo HAIKUJA kutoka kwa Mungu. 

What is a curse? > Laana ni nini?

The books of Genesis and Numbers (especially 22-24) teach that a blessing is words or actions that are good or beneficial, while a curse is words or actions that are bad or harmful.

>Kitabu cha Mwanzo na Hesabu ( hasa 22-24) kinafundisha kwamba baraka ni maneno au matendo ambayo ni mazuri au ya manufaa, wakati laana ni maneno au matendo ambayo ni mabaya au madhara. 

According to James 3:10, “Out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing.” We don't need a pastor or bishop to bless us or someone else, nor do we need a witch, wizard or witch doctor to curse ourselves or someone else: our own mouths will do it.

> Kulingana na Yakobo 3:10,"Katika kinywa kile kile hutoka baraka na laana ".Hatuhitaji mchungaji au Askofu ili atubariki sisi au mtu mwingine au tunahitaji mchawi, mchawi au uchawi ili kujilaani sisi wenyewe au mtu mwingine: vinywa vyetu wenyewe vitafanya hivyo. 

God continues to explain to Adam what would happen.

>Mungu anaendelea kumweleza Adamu kile ambacho kingetokea. 

“You will have to work hard all the days of your life to get the ground to produce for you. You will have you deal with thorns and thistles. When you die your body will return to the dust from which it was made.” Paraphrase of Genesis 3:17-19

" Utalazimika kufanya kazi kwa bidii siku zote za maisha yako ili kupata ardhi ya kukua kwa ajili yako. Utashughulika na miiba na michongoma. Ukifa mwili wako utarudi kwenye mavumbi ambayo kwayo ulifanywa. " Maneno ya Mwanzo 3:17-19

Where did the thorns and thistles come from - did God create them now to make things difficult for Adam as a punishment?

>Miiba na michongoma ilitoka wapi  -je, Mungu aliiumba sasa ili kufanya mambo kuwa magumu kwa Adamu kama adhabu?

No, of course not. There was no eighth day of Creation - thorns and thistles had always been there, but now that Adam and Eve were out of control, everything that had been given to them to control would also be out of control.

>Hapana, bila shaka sivyo. Hakukuwa na siku ya nane ya uumbaji  - Miiba na michongoma ilikuwa imekuwepo, lakini sasa kwa kuwa Adamu na Hawa walikuwa wametoka nje ya udhibiti, kila kitu kilikuwa kimepewa wao kudhibiti pia kingekuwa nje ya udhibiti.  

What about Eve? >Vipi kuhusu Hawa?

Based on the nature and character of God as taught and explained by Jesus, and based on what happened to Adam as explained above I believe that Genesis 3:16 should read like this:

>Kwa kuzingatia asili na tabia za Mungu kama zilivyofundishwa na kufafanuliwa na Yesu, na kulingana na kile kilichompata Adamu kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ninaamini kwamba Mwazo 3:16 inapaswa kusomeka hivi:

“Because you discarded Our order in Creation, your act of creation, giving birth, will be painful because you are now in the power of the enemy.”

>"Kwa sababu ulitupilia mbali utaratibu wetu katika uumbaji, kitendo chako cha uumbaji, kuzaa kutaku kwa sababu sasa uko katika uwezo wa adui. "

It is true that many, perhaps most births are painful and stressful - “with spasms of distress you will bring forth children” - I know of at least two women who gave birth in just a few minutes with no great effort.

>Ingawa ni ukweli kwamba wengi, pengine uzazi mwingi ni wa uchungu na mfadhaiko  - " kwa mkazo wa dhiki utazaa watoto" - Ninafahamu angalau wanawake wawili ambao walijifungua kwa dakika chache tu bila juhudi kubwa. 

14. The last part of verse 16 is generally seen as God’s changed plan for them because of their mistake, but this is not so.

>Sehemu ya mwisho ya mstari wa 16 kwa ujumla inaonekana kama mpango wa Mungu uliobadilika kwa ajili yao kwa sababu ya makosa yao, lakini sivyo ilivyo. 

Once again, as with Adam, God was not stating His desire or setting out a punishment for them, but simply explaining that, since they had yielded their allegiance to the Adversary, the devil, their relationship with each other would now be distorted

>Kwa mara nyingine tena,kama ilivyokuwa kwa Adamu, Mungu hakuwa akianzisha tamaa yake au kuwewekea adhabu, bali alieleza tu kwamba, kwa kuwa walikuwa wamesalimisha utii wao kwa Adui,lbilisi,uhusiano wao kati yao wenyewe kwa wenyewe ungepotoshwa.

“Your desire will be toward (some commentators see the Hebrew as “against” instead of “toward”) your husband and he will rule over you.” Genesis 3:16c

> "Tamaa yako itakuwa kwa (baadhi ya wafasiri wanaona Kiebrania kama "dhidi") mume wako na watakutawala."Mwanzo 3:16c

This was never a part of God's plan, neither before The Fall nor after.

>Hii haikuwa sehemu ya mpango wa Mungu,si kabla ya anguko wala baada.

If we are in any doubt we must let our Scriptures, the New Testament, not the Hebrew Scriptures, have the final say:

>lkiwa tuna shaka yoyote lazima turuhusu maandiko yetu, Agano Jipya, sio maandiko ya Waebrania yawe na usemi wa mwisho:

“For God is not a God of confusion and disorder but of peace and order.” 1 Corinthians 14:33

>"Kwa maana Mungu si Mungu wa machafuko na mwenye hapa mpangilio, bali wa amani na utulivu," 1 Wakorintho 14:33

We know that many women choose to challenge their husbands over things, probably because the husband is not fulfilling his role to love selflessly as explained in Ephesians 5:25-33. This presents as being against, or aiming toward, their husbands. This is not God's way. Ephesians 5:33 says that the wife should respect and honour her husband. We will consider this in more detail later.

>Tunajua kwamba wanawake wengi huchagua kuwapinga waume zao juu ya mambo, pengine kwa sababu mume hatekelezi jukumu la kupenda bila ubinafsi kama inavyofafanuliwa katika Waefeso 5:25-33.Hii inaonyesha kuwa kinyume, au kuwalenga waume zao. Hii si njia ya Mungu. Andiko la Waefeso 5:33 linasema kwamba mke anapaswa kumheshimu na kumtii mume wake. Tutazingatia hili kwa undani zaidi baadaye.

In the same way God never intended any man, anywhere, to rule over his wife. Ephesians 5 makes that very clear, but this is also shown dramatically in the Hebrew Scriptures. When any man, anywhere, in any position, rules over a woman that is the work of the enemy.

>Vivyo hivyo Mungu hakukusudia mwanamume yeyote, popote pale, amtawale mke wake.Waefeso 5 inaweka  kila jambo hilo wazi, lakini hili pia linaonyeshwa kwa kasi katika Maandiko ya Kiebrania. Wakati mwanamume yeyote, mahali popote, kwa nafasi yoyote, anamtawala mwanamke hiyo ni kazi ya adui. 

How do we know from scripture that God did not change His plan for or His view of the equality of men and women?

God NEVER changes His mind or His plans:

“God is not man that He should lie, or the son of man that He should change His mind (repent).”  Numbers 23:19 (ESV) 

We tend to see God from our point of view; instead, we are meant to see us from God’s point of view. God is not a man.

“And also the Strength of Israel will not lie or change His mind (repent); for He is not a man, that He should change His mind (repent).”  1 Samuel 15:29 (AMP)

In both original languages, Hebrew as used in the Old Testament and  Classical Greek as used in the New Testament, the words used that are translated “repent” literally mean “to change your mind.” They do not mean “to turn from sin.”

Isaiah 31:2  “And yet He is wise...and does not take back His words.”

God says something because He has established it - it either is now like He says it is or it will come to pass as He says it will.

“For God's gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.].” Romans 11:29 (AMP)

The Amplified Bible often explains concepts that might not otherwise be clear - this verse is a good example of that.

15. God's plan for Adam and Eve DID NOT change after what we call “The Fall” in Genesis 3.

>Mpango wa Mungu kwa Adamu na Hawa haukubadilika baada ya kile tunachokiita " Anguko " katika Mwanzo 3.

In Genesis 5, which is a summary of events over the first 1650 years of mankind on Earth, we can see God's view of the relationship between men and women had not changed.

>Katika Mwanzo 5, ambayo ni muhtasari wa matukio ya miaka 1650 ya kwanza ya mwanadamu duniani, tunaeza kuona maoni ya Mungu kuhusu uhusiano kati ya wanaume na wanawake yalikuwa hayajabadilika. 

“This is the book of the generations of the offspring of mankind (or adam). When God created mankind (or adam) he created him in the likeness of God.” v1

>" Hiki ni kitabu cha vizazi vya kizazi cha watu (au adam) Mwenyezi Mungu Alipomuumba mwanadamu (adam) alimuumba kwa mfano wa Mungu. Mstari 1

This first “man” was completely in the likeness of God, but once woman was taken out of man (Genesis 2:22-23) neither were as completely “in the image and likeness of God” as that first, composite person who contained both male and female components.

> Huyu "mwanamume " wa kwanza alikuwa katika sura ya Mungu kabisa, lakini mara tu wanawake walipotolewa kutoka kwa mwanaume (Mwanzo 2:22-23) wala hawakuwa kabisa "katika sura na mfano wa Mungu " kama yule mtu wa kwanza aliye na umbile la pamoja. Vipengele vya wanaume na wanawake. 

Then, in Genesis 5, the story continues according to the sequence and pattern shown in Genesis 2:

>Kisha, katika mwanzo 5, hadithi inaendelea kulingana na mfuatano na muundo unaoonyeshwa katika Mwanzo 2:

“He created them male and female, and blessed them, and named them both adam (man or mankind) at the time they were created. v2

>"Akawaumba mwanamume na mwanamke na akawabariki, na akawaita adam (mwanadamu au binadamu) wakati walipoumbwa " mstari 2

For God there was no difference between them in position, no difference in hierarchy, either before or after the Fall. There was an obvious difference in function (the man could not have children and the woman was not meant to work the fields), but not in authority or relative position.

>Kwa Mungu hapakuwa na tofauti kati yao katika nafasi, hakuna tofauti katika uongozi, ama kabla au baada ya anguko. Kulikuwa na tofauti ya wazi katika utendaji (mwanaume hakuweza kupata watoto na mwanamke hakukusudiwa kufanya kazi shambani),lakini sio katika mamlaka au nafasi ya jamaa. 

They were still equal before God. They were still equal in authority over creation.

>Bado walikuwa sawa mbele za Mungu. Bado walikuwa sawa katika mamlaka juu ya uumbaji. 

16. The New Testament, our primary document for the New Covenant in which we live, is equally clear about the equality of men and women before God.

>Agano Jipya, hati yetu ya msingi ya agano jipya tunaloishi, ni wazi sawa juu ya usawa wa wanaume na wanawake mbele za Mungu. 

Paul writes in Galatians 3:

>Paulo naandika katika Wagalatia 3:

“For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God through faith.” v26

>" Kwa maana katika Kristo Yesu nyinyi ni wana wa Mungu kupitia imani. "mstari 26

This verse does not exclude women because of the words used. A woman is a daughter of God. A child is a child of God. This verse is designed to show the close, family status of our relationship to God, not that men are pre-eminent. We are all, whether male or female believers, God’s children.

>Aya hii  haiwatenga wanawake kwa sababu ya maneno yaliyotumiwa. Mwanamke ni binti ya Mungu. Mtoto ni mtoto wa Mungu. Aya hii imeundwa pole pole, hadhi ya familia ya uhusiano wetu wa Mungu, sio kwamba wanaume ni mashuhuri. Sisi sote, iwe ni waumini wa kiume au wa kike, watoto wa Mungu.

“There is now neither Jew nor Greek (gentile, a person who is not a Jew), there is neither slave nor free (this verse does not endorse slavery), there is not male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” v28

>"Sasa hakuna Myahudi au Mgiriki ( kijeshi, mtu ambaye sio Myahudi), hakuna mtumwa wala huru (aya hii haikubali utumwa), hakuna wa kiume na wakike, kwa maana nyinyi nyote ni mmoja katika Kristo Yesu "Mstari 28

Very obviously we still have male and female genders, we still have Jews and non-Jews (different racial identities), we still have different social groupings (but we are never meant to have slaves).

>Ni  wazi sana bado tunayo jinsia za kiume na za kike, badotuna vikundi tofauti vya kijamii (lakini hatukusudiwa kamwe kuwa na watumwa)

This verse is saying very clearly that we are all one, and equal in Jesus.

>Aya hii inasema wazi kuwa sisi sote ni mmoja, na sawa katika Yesu. 

17. Peter summarises this equality very well in 1 Peter 3:7

>Petro muhtasari usawa huu vizuri katika 1Petro 3:7

“In the same way you married men should live considerately with [your wives], honouring the woman as the weaker but realising that you are joint heirs of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.”

>"Kwa njia ile ile uliyooa wanaume wanapaswa kuishi kwa kuzingatia (Wake wako),kuwaheshimu wanawake kama dhaifu lakini ukigundua kuwa wewe ni warithi wa pamoja wa neema ya maisha, kwamba sala zako haziwezi kuzuiliwa "

If we are joint heirs then we are equal in status before God, and that equality was always meant to be carried over into society, the home and the church.

>Je! Sisi ni warithi wa pamoja basi sisi ni sawa katika hadhi mbele za Mungu, na kwamba usawa kila wakati ulikusudiwa kubeba katika jamii, nyumba na kanisa. 

18. Like Paul, Peter heard from Holy Spirit on this tricky teaching

>Kama Paulo, Petro alisikia kutoka kwa Roho Mtakatifu juu ya mafundisho haya ya hila 

“Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands…” 1 Peter 3:1a. ESV

>"Kama vile, wake, kuwa chini ya waume wako mwenyewe…" 1Petro 3:1a ESV

Paul put it like this in Ephesians 5:

>Paulo aliiweka kama hii katika Waefeso 5:

“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.” v22

>"Wake wanyenyeke kwa waume wao wenyewe, kama kwa Bwana " mstari 22

Once again one word stands out which changes the meaning of the sentence. How does this apply?

>Kwa mara nyingine tena neno moja linasimama ambalo hubadilisha maana ya sentensi. Je! Hii inatumikaaje?

Years ago I would see women approach the pastor after the service and ask his advice, instead of asking their own husbands at home. They were asking advice from someone else's husband, not their own.

>Miaka iliyopita ningeona wanawake wakikaribia mchungaji baada ya ibaada na kuuliza ushauri wake, badala ya kuuliza waume zao nyumbani. Walikuwa wakiuliza kutoka kwa mume wa mtu mwingine, sio wao.

19. However, some of Peter's earlier statements are coloured by ignorance and the social standards of his day

>Walakini,baadhi ya taarifa za mapema za Petro zina rangi na ujinga na viwango vya kijamii vya siku yake 

His previous verse, where he commends Sarah for calling Abraham lord (master) is an example of misunderstanding and shows that he is ignorant of a long-held biblical principle that what is described (written about) is not necessarily prescribed (given as a prescription to follow).

>Aya yake ya zamani, ambapo anampongera Sara kwa kumwita Abraham bwana (Bwana) ni mfano wa kuelewa vibaya na inaonyesha kuwa huu ni ujinga wa kanuni ya bibilia iliyo na muda mrefu ambayo kile kilichoelezewa ( kilichoandikwa juu) sio lazima kuamriwa ( kupewa kama amri ya kufuata).

“For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord.” 1 Peter 3:5-6a. ESV

>"Kwa maana hivi ndivyo wanawake watakatifu ambao walitarajia Mungu walikuwa wakijisifu, kwa kuwasilisha kwa waume zao, kama vile Sara alivyomtii Abraham akimwita bwana. " 1 Petro 3:5 - 6a ESV

If we were to require women to follow Sarah that would give men the right to follow Abraham, and have sex with their wife's maid or perhaps her best friend, or do someone else a favour by sending their wife off to have sex with them. Abraham did the latter twice. (See Genesis 12 and 20.) Awful, ungodly stuff that shows how far men had strayed from God's plan and intentions.

>Ikiwa tungetaka wanawake wamfuate Sara hiyo ingewapa wanaume haki ya kumfuata Abraham, na kufanya mapenzi na mjakazi wa mke wao au labda rafiki yake mkubwa, au fanya mtu mwingine neema kwa kumtuma mke wao kwenda kufanya mapenzi nao.Abraham alifanya mwisho mara mbili. (Tazama Mwanzo 12 na 20) Vitu vya kutisha, visivyo vya kimungu ambavyo vinaonyesha ni wapi wanaume walikuwa wamepotea kutoka kwa mpango na nia ya Mungu. 

20. Paul has some good things to say about the relationship between men and women, and he has some bad things to say.

>Paulo ana mambo mazuri ya kusema juu ya uhusiano kati ya wanaume na wanawake na ana mambo mabaya ya kusema. 

To get an idea of his style of argument or reasoning let's look at 1 Corinthians 7. We will also see here that he sometimes teaches his own ideas, which are separate from and not necessarily God's ideas.

>Ili kupata wazo la mtindo wake wa hoja au fikira hebu tuangalie 1 Wakorintho 7. Tutaona pia hapa kwamba wakati mwingine hufundisha maoni yake mwenyewe, ambayo ni tofauti na sio lazima maoni ya Mungu. 

“But to the married people I give charge, not I but the Lord, that the wife is not to…” v10

>"Lakini kwa watu walioolewa mimi hupeana malipo,sio mimi lakini Bwana kwamba mke sio…"mstari 10

Then two verses later he expresses it another way:

>Halafu aya mbili baadaye anaelezea kwa njia nyingine:

“To the rest I declare, I, not the Lord, that if any brother…”

"Kwa wengine ninatangaza, mimi, sio Bwana kwamba ikiwa ndungu yoyote…"

This means that when he uses the personal pronoun “I” he could be talking under his own authority or under God's authority. We have to then compare the content with the rest of scripture.

>Hii inamaanisha kwamba wakati anatumia matamshi ya kibinafsi " mimi" anaweza kuwa akizungumza chini ya mamlaka ya Mungu. Lazima basi kulinganisha yaliyomo na maandishi mengine yote 

Kiswahili Translation: Benson Ayiti

   ©     Trevor Graetz 

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