Bringing a fresh perspective 

to our understanding 

of the plan of God

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear..."

Our mission: making disciples!

1.  To make your life better

2.  To make life better for others

3.  To be who God has equipped you to be

4. To show how to let the church, the body of Christ,

the assembly of believers world-wide become

 the dynamic, powerful, far-reaching and 

influential, local, regional, national

and world-changing force

 God designed us to be!

Equal at Creation - equal after the Fall

Equal in the New Covenant

... so what ever happened to Equality?

Essential reading!

It started out as a follow-up to deal with

 problems revealed through the Equality series, 

but it has become much more than that!

Amazing results!

"Dealing with Problems"

The 3-part "Equality" series and "Dealing

 with Problems" have been producing

 dramatic changes in communities in

 Kenya and Tanzania - see


March 5/23  Me: Hi Noni, what's happening?

Noni: It's rainy season, a lot of cold and flu.

Me: Are you speaking against it at the first sign? Do you have symptoms now?

Noni: For me, I don't. It's my three year old who has the fluMore...

March 12/22: Three young Maasai women attending an "Equality" conference realised they were not inferior and felt empowered enough to talk to their father about the message, which, they said, they could have never done before.  More...

February 4/23  Ben: "Today I went to the neighbouring community and witnessed men and women sharing work equally. Some even cried when I taught about Dealing with Problems because they were healed." More...

"The (Delayed) Return of Jesus"

"When He broke open the seventh seal there was silence in Heaven for about half an hour"  

Revelation 8:1

Part 1 of 3-Part Series

 "The Mystery of The Ages"

“What we are setting forth is a wisdom from God once hidden, and now revealed to us by God." 

1 Corinthians 2:7

Part 2 of 3-Part Series

 "Ministry Like Jesus"

"If anyone believes in Me the works that I do they will do also."

John 14:12

Part 3 of 3-Part Series

Under Construction 

- check it out now!

"There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job; and that man was blameless..."    Job 1:1

In reality, Job was far from blameless, and his numerous mistakes led directly to the 

problems that he faced.

Under Construction

"Do not be ignorant of this one thing...with the Lord one day is like a thousand years..."  2 Peter 3:8

"Seven Reasons - No, Eight - Why Jesus Has Not Yet Returned"

Seeing a sign does not mean we are near the destination - it's the journey that matters for us!

"God's Love Chapter - Genesis 3"

"...and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life… "

Genesis 3:22

"Other Key Concepts"

“For it is precept upon precept, line upon line; here a little, there a little..."

Isaiah 28:10

Life-changing Encounters in the Presence of God

"For we cannot stop speaking of the things we have seen and heard."   Acts 4:12

True stories of God in action 

in unexpected ways.

God's Reward System

Now Under Construction!

Clear explanation of the details

 and difference between 

ENTER the Kingdom and

INHERIT the Kingdom

It's a constant, underlying theme on this site: there is no scriptural evidence that Jesus ever prayed for someone during ministry. 

Instead, He would speak to situations and the problems underlying them and regularly see those situations change on the spot.

We can, too.

Unfortunately, most people pray to the mountain, thinking that God is the problem, or pray about the mountain, asking God to deal with it rather than speak directly to it.

Learn how to do it like Jesus.  

Real Life Examples of

"Say to This Mountain"

Click through the slide show below:

or get the full story 

as a slide show here

Get the full story in text

with all the details here:

Is This an Amazing Miracle?

Site Updates

Added "Amazing Miracle" slide carousel - July 2024

Added "Say To This Mountain" May 2024

Added "Christian Myths and Misunderstandings" - April 2024

Added "God's Reward System" - September 2023

Added "Outcomes" - March 2023

Added "Dealing with Problems" - January 2023

Added Mission statement to Home page - Dec 20

Added "Covenants" - October 2022

Added "Other Key Concepts"  July 22

Added "God's Love Chapter - Genesis 3" June 30

Added "Ministry Like Jesus" June 26

Added "The Mystery of The Ages"  June 24

Added another story to "Encounter"  June 9

Added Outcomes to "Equality" June 9

Added "Conference" June 1

Added "About" May 30

Added "Encounter" (Healing of Headaches), (Deliverance Without Manifestations) May 29

Added: "Equality" May 9

Created:  May 8, 2022